
What is this festering feeling inside?
A malignant curiosity, a worrisome chide.
The tone, the vibe, the malicious intent.
How does anyone ever get away with it?
Vile, villainous, pestering tart.
I will not be dissuaded from the coldness of my heart.
Well-meaning chums would carefully say,
That I misunderstood my opponent’s way.
But, please, absurd! How can I deny,
The pain they caused me by their snide?
No, they hurt me and caused me much pain,
The more I think on it the stronger the flame.
Oh how I hate this burn, I can barely breathe,
What a fantastic plan they set against me.
Knowing full well my thoughts would dwell,
That I would think on it and my anger would swell.
Surely they knew that I would obsess,
Losing sleep, missing meals, incapable of rest.
And just today they smiled and waved at me,
And through clenched teeth I smiled back bitterly.
A voice inside says I am overboard.
That my thoughts betray me and I, the coward.
But to let go and my emotions invalidate,
Is beyond my ability, an unnatural state.
I truly cannot do this alone,
Oh God please help, relieve this burden I’ve sown.
I face before me a black abyss,
An unknowable future if I confess.
I need you not merely to forgive my offense,
But also take captive my own malicious intent.
For I am prone to wonder and prone to fear.
I am paranoid, afraid of mock and jeer.
Forgive me; I know I am not alone,
By your stripes and death, my sins atoned.

My Review of “True North: Christ, the Gospel, and Creation Care”

Western society is saturated with the constant outcry to “Go Green!” A charge, when in the mouthpiece of the secular is purely for natural preservation and ungrounded moralism. And yet, many Christians will respond to the individual responsibility with negligence often due to a faulty view of Creation Care. Liederbach and Bible have set out in this work to bring biblical clarity to the Christian position. Their effort, backed with a substantial amount of biblical references and sound resources, embarks on a journey seeking proper alignment with God’s intention for his creation. They argue that with this pursuit, the Christian will properly value God’s creation and subsequently his/her responsibility to it. Liederbach and Bible consistently edify Jesus Christ, keeping his presence a shining star within the book. And it cannot be understated that this work successfully achieves a practical construction of a necessary argument for Creation Care. It not only motivated me to examine my own negligence but it also reshaped my perspective about seeking proper alignment with the Lord in all respects of life.

This book is worth your time. Its available on Kindle and it gives great “How to” advice on proper Christian perspective.


Socially Awkward

Persistent, annoying,
An incessant bother,
Condemned by appropriateness,
And socially awkward.
This is the cost,
Devoid of glamour.
No popular sayings,
Nor fans enamored.
And yet, would I trade in,
This lonely pursuit?
Would I dare acquiesce,
To their subjective truth?
No, I will not.
I am callous and sure,
I will not relent.
I must endure.
There is but one,
Check in this scheme,
To avoid madness,
And deter misanthrope.
I am not better,
I am not worthy,
I have not subjects,
I have not glory.
Keeping Christ in the front
Expectation to the rear
Hope-filled eyes on the horizon,
Thus abandoning fear.
This is the only way,
To retain perspective,
Giving glory to God,
And humbly remain objective.